Eclipse epiphany

We all remember the big fuss earlier this year during the solar eclipse, and the news coverage from every angle. The scientists had a chance to shine (no pun intended) as they informed the world about the details of this astronomical phenomena. At the time, I remember hearing a scientist mention the effect the solar eclipse would have on animals. When I heard this, it was an “aha-moment” for me. It was an epiphany that I couldn’t shake.

I think it was a biologist on the radio who I heard, speaking about how animals in the wild behave during solar eclipses. In areas of the world where the sun completely disappeared momentarily, animal behaviour was altered. National geographic has a good article about it. Without understanding why the sun went away, animals are understandably confused. They begin nighttime behaviours. Spiders sometimes become destructive. Early human ancestors must have assumed the world was ending.

This bit of information stuck with me like tree sap on a windshield. I started to think more about the sun. I pondered our innate animal instincts, our origins, and how light has ordered our lives for eons. As you can tell, my curiosity about it hasn’t subsided.

What natural elements fascinate you most? What part of nature captivates your imagination more than any other? I would love to hear from you. You can find me on Instagram (WantLight) and Facebook (wantmorelight). Chat soon!

WantLight, the podcast.

As you might already know, this blog is just one element of “WantLight” …that’s right, there’s more! There are so many platforms that I am using to share my story of struggling for mental wellness. You can check them all out. I’m on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WordPress and (drum roll, please)… Spreaker!

Spreaker is a way to create podcasts and I’m enjoying the platform so far. Do you have any tips for starting a podcast, radio show or other spoken word audio? I would love your feedback! Click here for the latest episode of my podcast, WantLight.

We all want light

If you know the agony of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) then you realize the urgency of finding light. Always. Need. More light! I’m searching for somewhere to live  (and work!) that will provide me with the daylight hours my body needs to survive. Or better yet, thrive.

Through this platform I hope to express my feelings about this journey, the facts of  the matter, and pictures of the adventure itself. You can expect humour, truth, and seriously subjective anecdotes.

Please comment often and follow the journey on several platforms— instagram, facebook, YouTube, and my podcast too.
